Prelungire Măsura 1.2 – Consolidarea și diversificarea activităților în zona de pescuit și acvacultură
The Association of the Local Group for Promoting the Integrated Development of the Fishing Area of Brăila County, based in the Municipality of Brăila, Str. Anghel Saligny, no. 24, Brăila county, announces the extension of the deadline for submitting projects within the Integrated Local Development Strategy of the Fishing Area of Brăila County, Measure 1.2 - Consolidation and diversification of activities in the fishing and aquaculture area until 17.10.2021, 23: 59.
The submission of projects will be done through the electronic system MySMIS, Call code: Measure 1.2 - POPAM / 962/4/1 / Article 63.
The total eligible value of a project cannot exceed the amount of 1,783,400 lei / 400,000 euros. The maximum non-refundable value of a project cannot exceed 739,213.17 lei / 165,798.62 euros. The maximum implementation duration is 24 months from the date of signing the financing contract, but not later than 31.12.2023.
Projects that fall under the de minimis scheme are not eligible.
The project "Strategy for Integrated Local Development of the Fishing Area of Brăila County" is financed by POPAM 2014 -2020, co-financed from FEPAM 2014 - 2020, based on the non-reimbursable financing contract no. 49 / 23.03.2017 concluded with MADR - through DGP AM POPAM, as Contracting Authority.
The total amount allocated: Measure 1.2 - 739,213.17 lei / 165,798.62 euros
* 1 Euro = 4, 4585 RON, according to Decision no. 4 / 21.01.2019 of the General Director of DGP AMPOPAM.
The applicant's guides are available on www.pescuitbraila.ro.
Additional information address: flag_braila@yahoo.com.
Source: Association of the Local Group for Promoting the Integrated Development of the Fishing Area of Brăila County
The submission of projects will be done through the electronic system MySMIS, Call code: Measure 1.2 - POPAM / 962/4/1 / Article 63.
The total eligible value of a project cannot exceed the amount of 1,783,400 lei / 400,000 euros. The maximum non-refundable value of a project cannot exceed 739,213.17 lei / 165,798.62 euros. The maximum implementation duration is 24 months from the date of signing the financing contract, but not later than 31.12.2023.
Projects that fall under the de minimis scheme are not eligible.
The project "Strategy for Integrated Local Development of the Fishing Area of Brăila County" is financed by POPAM 2014 -2020, co-financed from FEPAM 2014 - 2020, based on the non-reimbursable financing contract no. 49 / 23.03.2017 concluded with MADR - through DGP AM POPAM, as Contracting Authority.
The total amount allocated: Measure 1.2 - 739,213.17 lei / 165,798.62 euros
* 1 Euro = 4, 4585 RON, according to Decision no. 4 / 21.01.2019 of the General Director of DGP AMPOPAM.
The applicant's guides are available on www.pescuitbraila.ro.
Additional information address: flag_braila@yahoo.com.
Source: Association of the Local Group for Promoting the Integrated Development of the Fishing Area of Brăila County